R3 Programmable Robot Set for S.T.E.M. Elementary Education

The R3 Programmable Robot Set assembly kit is a versatile and educational tool designed to teach students about robotics and control systems. By using this kit, students can learn and practice how to control a mechanical arm grabber through various activities, enhancing their understanding of robotics and control systems.

It is selected as a suitable educational material in primary STEM-Robotics education in Primary School (grades 5-6) by the Hellenic Ministry of Education.

The R3 robot can be combined with the basic SMART:Blox programming STEM sets S1 and S2.

Mechanical Arm

  • 4-Degree-of-Motion: The robotic arm provides four degrees of freedom, allowing for precise movement and control. This includes rotation, lifting, bending, and grabbing.
  • REV4 Parts and Modules: The kit comes with REV4 components, ensuring a robust and reliable build.


Note: Included sensors use ARD:icon microcontroller compatible connentions (RJ11).

  • LDR (Light Dependent Resistor): Allows programming responses to light stimuli.
  • Sound Sensor: Equipped with a microphone for detecting and reacting to sound stimuli.

Control Mechanisms

  • Wired Joystick Control
    • Two joysticks are provided to manually control the four servos, adjusting the angle and movement of the arm.
    • Includes error detection functionality for precise operations.
  • Bluetooth Control
    • Allows wireless control via an Android tablet or smartphone.
    • Provides flexibility and ease of use for remote operations.
  • Software control
    • Polytech Teachmode app (R3 simulation)
    • Polytech ARD:icon (via serial connection to ARD:icon controller)

The entire R3 Robotic Set is stored in a durable plastic case along with all its supporting hardware for added safety.

  • Arduino Open Architecture Microcontroller
    • Based on the popular Arduino platform, allowing for extensive customization and programming.
    • Encourages learning about microcontroller programming and electronics.
  • Programmable Controller
    • Features 7 I/O ports for connecting various sensors and actuators.
    • Includes a USB port and cable for easy connection to computers and other devices.
  • Sensors (Use only with the ARD:icon microcontroller)
    • LDR (Light Dependent Resistor): Allows programming responses to light stimuli.
    • Sound Sensor: Equipped with a microphone for detecting and reacting to sound stimuli.
  • Compatibility
    • Connects via USB to Android tablets (version 9.0 or higher) and Windows 10 OS devices.
    • Ensures wide compatibility with modern devices for programming and control.

The R3 Programmable Robot Set assembly kit is designed to be an educational tool that provides hands-on experience in:

  • Robotics and mechanical engineering.
  • Microcontroller programming.
  • Sensor integration and response programming.
  • Remote control mechanisms.
  • Error detection and correction.

Included Activities

The R3 Programmable Robot Set includes at least 40 activities.

  1. Programming arm home position
  2. Programming forward arm motion
  3. Programming arm movement to the left
  4. Programming arm movement to the right
  5. Programming object collection in front
  6. Programming object collection to the left
  7. Programming object collection ahead and return to home position
  8. Programming object collection left and return to home position
  9. Programming object collection right and return to home position
  10. Combination of moves 1
  11. Combination of moves 2
  12. Combination of moves 3
  13. Combination of moves 4
  14. Magnetic Operation Switch
  15. Audio Power Switch
  16. Automatic object selection
  17. Motion detection and automatic object selection 1 (Motion sensor)
  18. Motion detection and automatic object selection 3 (Laser-LDR)
  19. Manual object selection with touch switch
  20. Manual selection of a different object with a combination of touch and pressure
  1. Manual selection of a different object with a combination of touch and pressure and sound notification I
  2. Manual selection of a different object with a combination of touch and pressure and sound notification II
  3. Manual selection of a different object with a combination of touch and pressure and visual notification ΙΙΙ
  4. Manual selection of a different object with a combination of touch and pressure and visual notification ΙΙ (2 LEDs)
  5. Manual selection of a different object with a combination of touch and pressure and visual notification ΙΙI (3 LEDs)
  6. Magnetic Operation Switch and combination of visual and audible notification 1 (1 LED + Buzzer) I
  7. Magnetic Operation Switch and combination of visual and audible notification 2 (2 LEDs + Buzzer) I
  8. Motion detection and automatic engine cooling regulation
  9. Robot operation and automatic engine cooling adjustment
  10. Robot function and manual engine cooling adjustment
  11. Robot function and engine cooling adjustment according to temperature
  12. Robot function and engine cooling adjustment according to temperature and visual notification
  1. Robot function and engine cooling adjustment according to temperature and audible notification
  2. Manual selection of different object using goniometer
  3. Manual selection of a different object using a protractor and simultaneous visual warning
  4. Manual selection of a different object using a goniometer and simultaneous visual and audible warning
  5. Classification of objects based on ambient brightness
  6. Object classification based on ambient brightness and visual  notification
  7. Classification of objects based on ambient brightness and simultaneous visual and audio notification
  8. Classification of objects based on length
  9. Classification of objects based on length and visual notification
  10. Classification of objects based on length and simultaneous visual and audible notification
  11. Classification of objects based on height
  12. Classification of objects based on height and visual notification
  13. Classification of objects based on height and simultaneous visual and audible notification
  14. Classification of objects based on ambient brightness