POLYTECH S.A., a leader in educational technology, proudly announces its sponsorship of the 10th International Conference on Educational Innovation, organized by the Scientific Association for the Promotion of Educational Innovation (EEPEK). The conference will take place on October 18, 19, and 20, 2024, in Larissa, Greece, aiming to foster dialogue and innovation in education.
As part of the conference, Nikolaos Tzioumakis, Project Development Director at POLYTECH S.A. with extensive experience in educational innovation, will deliver a presentation titled “STEM Polytech: Innovative Education Solutions”, showcasing the company’s groundbreaking contributions to the educational technology sector.
Mr. Tzioumakis (photo) holds a master’s degree in Radiation and Thermodynamics from George Washington University and a bachelor’s degree in Mechanical Engineering from the University of Virginia.

POLYTECH S.A. has implemented a wide range of STEM and robotics educational products in public schools across Greece, targeting students from preschool to secondary education. The company’s innovative products, such as the SMART:Blox S1 and S2 programming sets based on the Arduino platform, as well as the R1, R2, R3, and R4 robotics sets, enable students to grasp fundamental and advanced concepts in robotics and STEM through experiential learning and physical computing.
The conference, organized in collaboration with major academic institutions and educational organizations, is directed toward educators of all levels, university faculty, researchers, adult educators, undergraduate and postgraduate students, as well as vocational education trainers and trainees.
For more information about the conference and POLYTECH S.A.’s participation, visit the official conference website: https://synedrio.eepek.gr.
Download Press Release in Greek (EL): https://polytech.com.gr/wp-content/uploads/2024/10/POLYTECH_SA_PR_2024-10-04_EEPEK_2024.pdf